Saturday, July 7, 2007

Linda Turner is a force of nature

When I went to Europe back in July-August of 2001, I traveled alone. I spent a few days in London, one day in Paris, and I visited my buddy Ryan, who was doing a summer abroad studying in Cambridge, just north of London. It was with Ryan and another guy from the program, Matt Bernstein, that I took the train to Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh is one of the cooler, underrated cities you don't hear that much about, and we had a phenomenal time there.

Anyway, we set aside one day to head out of the city and see some of the surrounding areas of Scotland. Ryan and Bernstein went to Stirling to see the sword of the original Braveheart William Wallace or something. Being the sports nut that I am, and always having to incorporate sports in some way into every trip I take, I passed on Stirling and set out north alone for the most historic piece of real estate in all of golf - Saint Andrew's. How could I be in Scotland and not end up there?

I got lucky in that I visited on a Sunday. Aside from when the Open Championship is held there every five years, no golf is played on the Old Course on Sundays. It's closed. This actually worked out perfectly for me, because it allowed me the chance to walk the entire course, look around, and take my sweet old time soaking up all of the history the place has to offer. I was literally shaking as I stood on the first tee and set out. I'm not kidding - it was that awesome.

I knew my life would change forever that day, and before that entire trip, because of the experience. Little did I know that it would change for another reason, one arguably even more profound, and one that I would be reminded of from there on after.

I met Linda Turner out on the course.

Her and her husband Larry, both from Fort Worth, were taking in the course and the town just like I was. We started talking and ended up walking the course together. Since I was alone, they were even nice enough to take pictures of me with my camera. I gave her my e-mail address so that she could send me more pictures and so we could stay in touch. I want to stress that these were and are extremely nice people.

Linda Turner is deeply religious.

Linda Turner is a serial e-mailer.

Linda Turner is a part of my day every time I get in front of a computer.

Mind you that I am not complaining, nor making fun of her, so much as I am in awe of her. This woman keeps all of her friends on her mailing list and e-mails EVERYONE ON THE ENTIRE LIST EVERY SINGLE DAY. Even a guy like me whom she's met only once and wouldn't recognize if I broke down her door and started rooting through her fridge or something.

I want you to see a sample of some of her work. Mind you, something like the following (unedited) samples appears in my inbox 5 to 6 days a week...

From: Linda Turner
Subject: have you read?
Date: Sat, 07 Jul 2007 02:08:26 +0000

Have you read the forecast? It says the rains are leaving Texas. Of course you know that means, it's mosquito time. I am sure all of you know all the things to do to help get rid of them, but if you do not, write and I will tell you. It is certaintly a relief to know it is only the females who suck blood. Enjoy the hot weather - the pool is open and it's OK to wear whatever you want because no one looks or cares about how old people look (and almost everyone I know is old). Whatever the weather enjoy it - it is a gift from God! Have a great weekend!

Another sampling...

From: Linda Turner
Subject: motivation
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2007 01:36:34 +0000

What does it take to motivate us? I think it is desire. If I want something I go for it, how about you. I wanted to bake a cake and 2 pies today so I did. I would like to want a cleaner house, but I guess I don't want it enough to clean it.

Have you heard about the Dallas weather people who have been talking about the Kingdom Possum Lake and Jose T. Garcia's?

I want to reiterate, this is an extremely nice woman who I am not making fun of. It's just that I get something of this nature ALMOST EVERY DAY, and have for years. I do not know this woman, but I think about her every time I check my e-mail.

Linda Turner is a force of nature.