I'm talking about a real American issue, and that is people who act like total pussies. I got an e-mail from a friend yesterday, and attached to it was a picture of a kid on one of those Hot Wheels three-wheelers you have when you're like 4. The ones with the tassles coming out of the handlebars, right? And this kid in the picture is on this thing, no more than maybe three inches off the ground, and he is decked out in a bicycle helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. On a fucking three wheeler. (I will post the picture as soon as I find it.)
Now, I hardly want to blame the kid. It's not his fault his parents are treating him like a total pussy. But that's just it. It's his parents. DOESN'T ANYBODY SEE WE ARE RAISING A GENERATION OF TOTAL PUSSIES?
Where along the way did America go wrong? Growing up, I can honestly say that I never once donned a single piece of protective equipment outside of things within the confines of organized sports like PONY League baseball. Never wore anything protective to ride my bike, play street hockey, or tackle football in the yard. Most people my age probably have the same recollection. And I'm telling you right now, not only will I not make my kids wear anyhting of the sort, but I will prohibit them from doing so. You fall off the bike, you suck it up, and you ride.
No equipment for my kids on the bike, much less a FUCKING THREE WHEELER. America is raising a generation of total pussies. And not just in the physical sense either. We are raising emotional pussies too, with all of this political correctness and other things of that ilk. It's the pussification of America. I used to talk about it all the time on the afternoon show when things like the Imus deal would come up. That story disgusted me. Who gives a shit if some guy calls you a ho, Rutgers women? Instead of saying that they hadn't noticed or didn't care or maybe actually letting something bounce off you and moving forward, they held a press conference and had meetings and played the role of "victim". They were victims - of being pussies.
When I think of the Rutgers women's basketball thing and of all of the people who acted so "outraged", I am compelled to quote Col. Nathan R. Jessup - "All you did was weaken a country today. That's ALL YOU DID."
Do you realize they are banning tag and other so called "chase games" at some schools now because of the "agression" involved and the potential for injury? Unfuckingbelieveable. These people in charge are total pussies, and I'll be damned if it's going to rub off on my kids, boy or girl. Our only way to fight back is to raise our own kids stronger. That's what Jeanette and Robby Fenton did with their only son, and look how that turned out. In fact, if you Google my name, "Bobby Fenton", and click on "Images", one of the resulting hits is this picture: